The Solitude of Reading: A vast amalgamation of memories.

by. Brandy Juet Eclevia21291449_252478108607708_584113514_n


Reading has been also a past time for bibliophilic persons, even though to those persons who loves to read and who would like to.

It gives us insight of different worlds. Through the use of black ink of a pen and a piece of paper. It has a capacity and the ability to make a new world that can exist only in a minimum amount of time in a persons mind.

” I love the solitude of reading. I love the deep dive into someone else’s story, the delicious ache of a last page.” – Naomi Shihab Nye.

It’s almost been a decade when I started to enjoy and fell in love with books. I’m not literally saying ‘love’  an intimidate feeling towards someone. I fell to every story that is has. Reading helps me to feel like ‘I’m not alone in this world.’ There’s no limit when it comes to reading. Some of the facts I encountered was true and gives me a lot of knowledge. But some reading material like (books, novels, blog, articles, academics, etc.) gives us experience to those things we haven’t encountered yet.

” Knowledge is power. ” – Francis Bacon.

Some people use reading as an escape to their own reality, but it doesn’t mean to give up, rather to make a pause and learn from something. Reading as a free time activity refreshes our mind to be prepared for crucial times. Every words has a power to change the future, everyone has it.

Skill Advancement of Mathematical and Logarithmic style of Rubik’s Cube: Speed Cubing.

by. John Marx Ausa  cube. A

Since grade 8, speed cubing has been my favorite hobby just to pass time. I have been cubing for 4 years and my average are just between 13 to 14 seconds on the 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube.

For me, cubing has many benefits in a person like me, as a student, as a male, and as an adolescent.  Scientifically speaking, it enhances one’s photographic memory or your memory of images and colors as well as muscle memory for your fingers. But don’t assume that because it exercises your fingers, cubing a long time  would be a good recreational activity. It can cause a strain on your fingers and honestly, it really hurts.

As a male and an adolescent,  cubing has taught me good grooming and hygiene. I learned to trim my fingernails every week because it scratches the stickers of the cube. I took a balanced  diet and enough rest for my reaction time to properly function. Most of all,  I learned to respect others and discipline because of speed cubing.

Chaliapin Steak: A Japanese Steak; Donburi

by. David Villanuevafood

Prep Time: 40 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Yield: 2


  • Beef Sirloin (Super market discount)
  • Onion
  • Pepper
  • Salt
  • Potato Starch
  • Rice (Donburi Bowl)
  • Umeboshi Paste (Pickled plum)
  • Sauce
  • Red Wine
  • Soy Sauce
  • Butter


  1. Score your steaks with a grid pattern.
  2. Use a meat tenderiser or the back of a heavy knife to tenderise your steaks – make sure to give them a few good thwacks!
  3. Cover the top and the bottom of the steaks using the chopped onions. Cover with cling film, and let them rest for 30-45 minutes.
  4. Remove the onions from the steak; season and cook the steaks. Remove steaks and lay to rest when done. Do not clean the pan once the steaks are done.
  5. In the same pan, cook onions with 1 tbsp butter. Cook over a medium heat until onions are browning. Add soy sauce, sriracha, balsamic vinegar, and honey; mix well. Cook until onions are completely browned and softened (Congratulations! You’ve just caramelised onions!).
  6. Spread caramelised onions over the steak, and garnish with chives.


For the Chaliapin steak it contains vitamin E, vitamin B-6 and B-12, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, betaine, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium.

Technology is NOT an excuse for creativity.

by. John Marco NovenoRelated image

In our recent time ,teenagers are very much exposed to modern technology. The youth today , the millennials are termed by this word because of their too much dependent on technologies and modern living.there is a constant advancement in technology and it is evident in every aspect of life. Technology has a positive effect on teens. But there is also a negative effect ,as well.

Technology has a positive impact on the youth of today. Modern gadgets such as cellphone’s and computers are the tools for people to faster and better with others. It widens their social interaction through social media. Internet makes sharing information fast and simple. It is easy to send pictures,videos ,documents and project in just a click of a button. It simplifies teenage life. Internet makes it possible to e-mail and even video chat that makes long distance seems near. Modern day internet contribute to sociability providing a way to communicate with distant friends and family. Internet communication brings people together. It gives a greater sense of ease for teens.

But on the other hand. Technology gives a negative effect as well.   Become too dependent to technology which makes it lessen their personal interactions  with other people they lost their opportunity to hang out personally with friends and relatives. Time is wasted by typing and encoding on the internet instead of meeting up with friends personally. Excessive use internet deprives teens from forming closed relationship that are very necessary to life. This will result in a damaging sense of depression and loneliness. Constant use of technology prevents personal social interactions. Thus,making teenager lack their confidence in finding ways to solve uncontrollable factors of everyday life. In computer everything is controllable at hand because there is an application which help you to solve computer problems. In real life there is no such thing like in the computer l. All you need is to solved personally by yourself. That’s what the teens are missing, the excitement of solving uncontrollable problems in life personally. Because in technology, you can solve problems in a click of a button.

Technology affects today’s teen in positive and negative ways. Using technology in moderation is alright. Technological advancement is such a great help for teens. It makes their life easier by simply clicking the button, everything Will be easy and fast. If it use and becomes an addiction, technology will bring negative effect. Teens have less time spent with their love one. Eventually they will feel depressed and lonely. It hinders the teen to meet new people and go out to new place and environment. Although, technology is a solution to boredom.there are also advantageous solution such as social interactions. Such disregard to discovering new people and new places leads to isolation. One most negative effect of technology is the countless missed opportunities for meeting new people and experiencing “natural/real time  sights and sound”. Technology, in broad sense greatly affect teens life.

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